Tag Archives: The Hunger Games

What Genre? Write What You Love

After I read The Hunger Games (yes, I admit it), I said to myself, “Why didn’t I write something like that? It has so many of the things you love (besides death).”

Seriously, I grew up on a steady diet of post-apocalyptic, dystopian stories, such as The Omega Man, Rollerball, Logan’s Run, The Planet of the Apes series, and many more.

As a kid, I grew up on a farm where I could wander in over 35 acres of woodlands. From that experience, I had fun learning how to “live off the land” by hunting edible plants and used the resources nature provided to build things like a log cabin (never finished it) and other helpful tools. I loved it and I had always wondered how I’d use those experiences in my writing. Whether I like it or not, The Hunger Games gave me that inspiration to begin writing my current novel that is a YA, post-apocalyptic, dystopian story.

You’ve heard it said, “Write what you know,” but I might suggest writing what you love. I am.

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